Wednesday 7 August 2013

I'm Back

So it has been a while since I last managed to update the page due to exhibitions and working in London with artists Hilary Koob-Sassen and Tim Flach ( and ). However I am now back to making my own work again and here is a taster of whats coming.

"Orchid" is my latest works using image stacking and focus rails to create a finer crisper image on a larger scale. The reason I am working with an Orchid rather than my usual ferrofluid formations is due to the fact I am currently staying in Cheltenham with my girlfriend and Orchids have a deep root within our relationship. It is said the Orchid is a symbol of delicate rarity with this ones white flowers giving an enhanced feeling of purity and against the warm pink background the plant reveals a feeling of elegance and exoticism.